Adrienne van Eeden is a Cape Town based artist and writer. She received her Masters Degree in Fine Art (cum laude) from the University of Stellenbosch in 2005 and has lectured at a number of tertiary institutions. Adrienne also works as a freelance art critic for Die Burger.

Her art often involves the re-appropriation and modification of common objects through time-consuming processes. These processes are based on systematic repetition, as well as on the deliberate use of low-tech equipment and techniques traditionally classified under “craft”.
The Wallflower Series consist of long pieces of wallpaper with intricate floral patterns from which all the flowers and leaves have been removed. This process involves perforating the surface around images with a needle and then tearing each object out by hand to reveal imperfect, fragile and skeleton-like remains. The title references not only the literal art object, but also the colloquial use of the term.

The Wallflower seriesPerforated wallpaper
(glue, wood, lacquer paint)
62cm wide, display lengths variable

Firm Adult Easy Slide juxtaposes the comfort provided by seemingly trivial daily routines with the often banal and futile nature thereof. The work relies on the repetition of virtually identical units to suggest attempts at perfection and control.