“’n Beweging na ‘n verskeidenheid van benaderings wat verwant is aan dié soort spel van onsekerheid, diversiteit en reëlafwykings wat ons met artistieke avontuur eerder as met wetenskaplike orde assosieer.” /
“A movement towards a variety of approaches which relates to the kind of games that is associated with uncertainty, diversity and artistic adventure rather than with scientific order.”
(uit: Teorie is ‘n Gil; Timo Smuts)
Tussen Orde en Avontuur/ Between Order and Adventure is an exhibition of contemporary artworks in diverse media - ranging from oil paintings to typewriters; sculptures to mouthwash…
Tussen Orde en Avontuur/ Between Order and Adventure showcase works by 10 exciting emerging artists and gives a taste of what can currently be seen in contemporary exhibition spaces in and around Cape Town. Rather than a specific theme, the work has a shared visual energy : Works are anchored in technical ability, but give flight to the imagination with ample room for theatrical visuals, mental gymnastics and artistic adventure…

Also on show, are 250 blocks from the Creative Block, a project that is now in its fifth year. This project of Jeanetta Blignaut from Coeo Art Collaborative, supports artists from across South Africa and provides an excellent opportunity to start your own collection
(for more information, click on Creative Block in column to the right ►).